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Crescenzago pumping station

Filtration system installation in an auxiliary storage thank

Brief description

The Crescenzago pumping station, located in the north-east of the City, entered service on 13 June 1949. Its electrical and hydraulic equipment and machinery were renewed during 1975. The new project provided for installation of an active carbon treatment system, 20 filters in stainless steel, which is located inside one of the two storage and sand sedimentation tanks. It also provided for the installation of electrical automation and control systems for the filtration, lighting and power system of the entire auxiliary storage tank, and a new automation and telemetry panel. A hardware and software upgrade was then carried out on the station link to the automation and telemetry system at the San Siro ‘super centre’, the sub-centres and the remote terminal at the water supply headquarters. The plant has been given a suitable new entrance to meet the requirements of the service.